OK boys & girls... get ready for another exciting adventure in the oh-so exciting life of .... ME!! (Not really, but amuse me anyway).
As I was driving home from work this morning the thought occurred to me... "OMG, I cannot articulate a single thought in vocalization without sounding ... PC term 'mentally handicapped'". Granted, that may be because I am, but let's not focus on trivial things.
It seems, when I open my mouth, I have this trigger in my brain that says "if you say speak... they will listen". And I think most try to listen until they realize that millions of brain cells are pathetically Offing themselves the longer they tune in.
I feel like I am intelligent (at least enough to not be labeled stupid), but when I started listening to myself speak - I was astounded! It's no wonder people seem to think of me as the comic relief in their stories. I think this is where I should blame the public school systems... "No Child Left Behind"... what about those of us who are already left behind??!
This is like that time I joined Knowledge Bowl in school... yeah the trivia gurus... NOT ME! I was a "member" for 2 weeks and couldn't answer a single question. I knew I had to quit when finally they asked what the state fish of Hawaii was and I could answer THAT one and no one else could (humuhumunukunukuapua’a for those of you that were holding your breaths for the answer). I thought, "what are the chances that other silly Hawaii knowledge may come up in a meet?". But then I suck at math too so I decided to move on to things more challenging (i.e. choir council, teens against drugs, and other non-thinking after school activities). The school system GAVE me a way out... a way to feel important and sometimes smart so that I would think (uh-oh there she goes again) that I was ACTUALLY intelligent.
CRASH! What a set up that was!! Anyway, so here I am stupid as redneck in the white house... oooh!! And you know what?? I CAN be someone important that people want to listen to... because if Bush can do it, then Gosh Darn it, let the line begin because making an ass of myself is obviously what I do best!!!
Happy Friday to all those who still have 3 more days of work!!!
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